RDA UK volunteers and staff,
What’s that you say? Another week has gone by? I know. And practically the end of January already. A few things to get your teeth into this week, especially some excellent learning opportunities to share with your RDA network.
Emergency grants to groups
It’s not too late for groups to apply for grants. The current round closes on Friday. All information and the application form can be found here: www.myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/group-fundraising
Training Horses During Lockdown webinar, Thursday 28 at 7pm
There are still some spaces on tomorrow’s webinar about training horses during lockdown. The session features Equine Lead Doug Smith answering your questions, hosted by our very own Emma Bayliss. Register to join at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mquTojfESQKMrqvmTivtCg
If you have a question for Doug ahead of the session please email it to Emma Bayliss ebayliss@rda.org.uk
Equine Behaviour & Training webinar, Monday 1 Feb, 7:30pm
Another great learning opportunity, this time from Regional Vet Tess Fordham (Thank you Tess!). This talk will outline the basics of equine behaviour and training with a particular focus on training horses to park as well as training techniques for safe handling in a post-covid RDA setting. It is relevant for coaches, participants, volunteers, families, carers and staff.
Register for this at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodemrpz4jGNQWWojcKjKhYTB0ReaAjb9I
Further talks are planned in February and March, so watch this space.
Updates to the RDA Rulebook
The RDA Rulebook has been updated. If you are not familiar with it, the rulebook contains equipment rules for RDA sessions, as well as competition rules. For 2021, the rule changes are available as inserts to the 2020 book. They will soon be going online, but groups (and you!) can also request a hard copy of the updates here: www.myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/national-championships/rulebook-request/
South West Regional Chair vacancy
If you or someone you know might be interested in the above role, please email Faye McKenning at fmckenning@rda.org.uk
Helping with some interesting university research
We will be asking groups to circulate the information below to any of their adult riders who have Cerebral Palsy. Charlotte is undertaking an interesting research project and we would like to help if possible.
Study Participants Needed
Self-Reported Physical Activity Levels in Adults with Cerebral Palsy: An insight into a UK population
Are you an adult 18 years or over? Do you have mild to moderate cerebral palsy (GMFCS levels 1 to 4)?
Hi, my name is Charlotte Kreiner and I am a Masters student studying Physiotherapy (Pre-registration) at the University of Brighton.
· For my Masters Dissertation, I am looking for adults (18 years and over) with mild to moderate cerebral palsy (GMFCS levels 1 to 4) to participate in a brief online survey.
· The survey will aim to help provide an insight into physical activity levels of adults with cerebral palsy in the UK, as well as factors that can affect physical activity levels.
· Physical activity involves any voluntary movement including walking (including with a frame or propelling chair), housework, horse-riding, or swimming for example.
· Participation is voluntary. The online survey will be anonymous, take approximately 20 minutes to self-complete (with/without a carer to use a keyboard if required), and after submitting the online survey, this will complete your involvement in the survey.
· You will need access to an internet-enabling device to complete the survey.
If you have any questions related to your involvement in the study or would like the participant information sheet for further information, please contact Charlotte Kreiner (c.kreiner1@uni.brighton.ac.uk).
If you would consider participating in the study, please click on the survey link here: https://brighton.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/self-reported-physical-activity-levels-in-adults-with-cere-3
Best wishes and stay safe,
Caroline Ward
Head of Communication & Insight, RDA UK
01926 405968