Dear RDA UK volunteers and staff,
If you missed last week’s BBC news feature about us, you can watch the report on BBC Sport here: . Around 6.8 million viewers tune in to the 6pm news and I know some groups have benefited directly from people contacting them after seeing the programme. We certainly saw a big spike in traffic to our website – the majority of which were people looking for their nearest group.
30-minute webinars
This week: Tea with a Pony: 7pm Thursday 11 Feb
Find out more from Claire Jenkins (Cotswold RDA and RDA UK Trustee) and RDA staff member Lucy Stokes about this popular project, the impact it is making on those who take part, and the benefits to the group. Register at:
Next week: 18 Feb, Education & Taking Part at Home
Coaching Lead Karen Thompson will be presenting and answering questions about activities for participants to do at home, Proficiency Tests and Asdan – as well as giving an insight into her own group’s activities during lockdown. Any questions for Karen email Lyndsay Wager
Register at
25 Feb: Advice on First Aid provision & training during lockdown
This will cover changing first aid needs during lockdown, managing and accessing training (and course options) and things RDA groups need to know to be safe and prepared. Please note this is not a First Aid training course!
Register at:
Subscribe to MyRDA YouTube Channel
So that you can watch all these webinars and other useful videos in your own time, I have set up a new RDA YouTube Channel called MyRDA, which I will be adding videos to over the next few weeks. You can find it here:
If we get enough subscribers, I can change the web address to something more memorable, so please do visit the channel and subscribe – that way you’ll also hear about new films as they are uploaded.
SEIB Search for a Star
SEIB are once again hosting an RDA Virtual Search for a Star Showing Class. Virtual SEIB Search for a Star will take place at Your Horse Virtually Live on the 10 and 11 April 2021. Entries are now open and they close on the 8 March. For more information visit:
Also don’t forget the SEIB Livery Yard & Riding School of the Year Awards, which close on 16 March. More info here:
Looking after your mental health
Finally, if you are struggling with your mental health during this time, do try to get help. Reaching out to others can feel like the very last thing you want to do, but there are people and organisations who can help. We have signposted some support-providers here:
Best wishes and stay safe,
Caroline Ward
Head of Communication & Insight, RDA UK
01926 405968