The Schedule for our virtual RQ and the one for the virtual Nat Champs taking place in September is now available.
The Schedule covers all the classes - Dressage, Countryside Challenge, Arts& Crafts and Musical Ride. The Dressage Tests are available on MyRDA under National Championships/Dressage where you can download all the Tests and Scoresheets. The documents are available in pdf form under the competitions tab on the library page.
Further information will be provided as soon as we have confirmation that our Schedule has gone live on Horse Monkey and you can upload entries. This does not stop you from starting to practice the tests and filming.
Advice on where best to film a test is also available from My RDA under National Championships.
As you may recall from Sue Mack's talk on Countryside Challenge, to help you get an accurate and useful recording of the test, it is best for the person doing the filming to follow the participant round the course. For those who were unable to attend the Forum, Sue as made a YouTube Clip which is available through the link on MyRDA which gives you a step by step guide to how to set up a course as well as what a judge will be marking. To assist with this Sue has kindly sent through the two scoresheets that will be used for the event. Sue will judge our entries and recommended that you record two separate videos at the same time, one for the RQ and one for the Nat Champs. If you have any questions relating to Countryside Challenge, Sue is very happy to answer them. Her email is: .
Edinburgh & Borders Regional Qualifier Classes 2021
As you are aware in 2021 both the Regional Qualifiers and National Championships will be taking place virtually.
Please see below a list of the Dressage, Countryside Challenge, Arts & Crafts and Musical Ride classes for our Regional Qualifier. Carriage Driving, Showing and Vaulting classes will have direct entry to the National Championships, and there is an opportunity to take part in the Endurance competition.
There will be no Entry Fee for the 2021 Regional Qualifier with expenses covered by money raised by CHUFFS.
Each group will be required to pay a one-off £1.50 admin fee to access Horse Monkey.
Further Information
Horse Monkey is the entry system we will be using to enter and for you to upload your video(s). You will be notified once the schedule has been uploaded onto Horse Monkey and is open for entries.
The closing date for entries to all classes is Sunday 27th June 2021.
Riders who are new to dressage should be entered in one of the Introduction to Dressage Classes 1 to 4.
The winner in each qualifier class will qualify for the National Championships providing they score more than 60%.
In Dressage, two trophies will be awarded based on the best test ridden in the judges’ opinion. Riders placed first in their class are eligible. The Val Brown trophy is awarded to the best rider in the Introduction to Dressage Classes 1 to 4, and the Mark Headen trophy is awarded to the best rider in the Qualifying Classes 5 to 16.
For Countryside Challenge, a trophy will be awarded to the highest scoring Junior and Senior participant.
Please note that if a participant qualifies for the National Championships their contact details will be shared with RDA National Office.
Results will be publicised on the Regional Website by Friday 9th July 2021.
Extra info can be found on the RDA You Tube channel