17 March 2022
National Office Update

Dear RDA UK volunteers and staff,

Our strategy launch is just around the corner now and we’re excited to be able to share this with you soon. We will be sending out key documents, a film, and some FAQs to you all next week, ahead of the main launch to groups and everyone else the following Monday. A big thank you for your help in getting us to this point.


RDA Silent Auction – Live and Taking Bids

A reminder that our Silent Auction, raising money for the RDA National Training Centre, is now live and taking bids. There are some fantastic lots to bid on including money-can’t-buy experiences, exclusive days out, sporting events, memorabilia and much more! It will remain open until midday on the 25thMarch. 

To view and bid on the lots, follow this link here:https://www.rdacharityauction.org.uk/ Please share this is friends and family.

More information about the Silent Auction can be found on our website here: https://www.rda.org.uk/donate/


Weekly Webinars

This week: Green Card & Health and Safety (Thursday 17th March 7pm)

Faye McKenning, Projects Coordinator: Volunteer Development, and Marisa Bretherton-Mackay, Group Support and Business Operations Manager, will be going over some new aspects of the updated Green Card, helpful reminders on how to run your sessions safely and discussing the e-Learning courses.

Register here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GJw7UUc1RGusRvNrEFivBg

Next week: There is no webinar next week, but you can catch up on any that you have missed here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q



We’d like more groups to take up Endurance as an activity for their participants. RDA runs an Endurance league which allows participants to earn rosettes for the distances that they log. You can clock up your kilometres in the school, on a hack, carriage driving and on a mechanical horse. Please share this activity with your groups and encourage them to look into adding it to their list of activities. More information can be found here: https://www.myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/endurance/. RDA Endurance Lead, Gilly Roper will be on hand to answer any queries. You will find her contact details on the website.



Showing is still relatively new to RDA but we are pleased to be offering three showing classes at the RDA National Championships this year as well as SEIB Search for a Star. We’d love more groups to take part in this activity, so please spread the word about it to your groups.

RDA Showing Lead Ginny Oakley-Pope is on hand to answer any queries you may have.

You can find further details on our website Showing:https://www.myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/showing/, and also SEIB SFAS page: https://www.seib.co.uk/competitions/search-4-a-star/.


*SAVE THE DATE* Dementia Action Week 16th – 22nd May 2022

More details to follow soon, but it will involve lots of tea, cake and ponies for a whole week!  


Events Page on MyRDA

We would like to remind you that the MyRDA Events page has lots of great events listed that you can sign up to, including coaching, volunteering and regional events.

Find an event here: https://www.myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/events/


Coming Soon – Updates to COVID Guidelines

We are re-convening our dedicated COVID working group to discuss what the present relaxation of rules should look like for our groups, with an aim of updating our guidance on the MyRDA pages in the very near future. In the meantime, please send on any questions to groupsupport@rda.org.uk


Best wishes,


Brigitta Falcini

Communications Coordinator

Riding for the Disabled Association


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