26 January 2022
National Office Update

Dear RDA UK volunteers and staff,

Some sad news from Formby & Southport group today. We are sad to announce the passing of Joan Lathaen, who had been with RDA for 35 years. Joan was well known to the RDA family in the North West and will be sorely missed by all.


Call for Participant and Volunteers: Diversity within RDA Media

As part of our new strategy, we are committed to the increased representation of ethnically diverse communities in all our print, online and video resources.

In the first instance, we would like to hear from RDA participants and volunteers from black, Asian and other ethnically diverse communities in the production of the strategy document and film. This will require a short interview, photography and possibly some filming.

If you know anyone who might be interested in taking part, please contact Caroline Ward: cward@rda.org.uk.

RDA Gala Awards

It is that time of the year again where we ask you to nominate the volunteers and participants who have gone above and beyond and have had successes within the last 12 months. You can view the criteria here https://www.myrda.org.uk/assets/Criteria.pdf.

To nominate please follow the link https://www.myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/volunteer-management/rewarding-volunteers/rda-2021-awards/

Any questions, please contact Faye McKenning (fmckenning@rda.org.uk or 01926 405966). Deadline for nominations is 21st February 2022, awards will be presented at this year’s National Championships 

Amended RDA coaches Titles

Following a meeting in November with all RDA Regions represented, it was agreed to amend the titles of qualified riding coaches in RDA to make it easier to understand. 

Since the pathway changes in 2018 you could be a Coach qualified with a Pink Certificate (sometimes referred to as ‘Pink Coach’) which enables the coach to coach only within their home group, or a Coach qualified with a Green Certificate (sometimes referred to as ‘Green Coach’) which enables them to coach at any RDA group. These have now been changed to ‘Group Coach’ in place of Pink and ‘Coach’ in place of Green. Advanced Coach and all titles of carriage driving, vaulting and showjumping coaches remain the same. 

It will take some time for the old terminology to be replaced in documents as this will be done when documents are reviewed, but these revisions have now been made on our database. 

Applications are now open for the NEW Princess Royal Coach Academy – Coach Programme!

The NEW Coach Programme is set to recognise the importance of high performing coaches working with adults and young people with disabilities and additional needs across RDA. This exciting new project will enable those coaches who are ambitious in improving their own performance to further enhance coaching skillsets; improving on the success of coaching riders with disabilities; effectively encouraging and challenging participants whilst creating enjoyable, person-centred coaching environments.

Mentor provision will be on hand which is set to aid personal and professional development; encouraging progression through a 12 month development programme, with 10 contact days, followed by an optional RDA Advanced Coach Assessment. The training days outlined will largely be delivered at the RDA National Training Centre, with some training delivered at an alternative venue dependant on the geographic mapping of the initial cohort of successfully selected coaches. There will be no cost to the training delivered throughout the Academy other than that of travel and accommodation as required. 

For further details, including how to apply for the NEW Princess Royal Coach Academy - Coach Programme please contact Rebecca Heath on rheath@rda.org.uk  or 01926 405978.

Weekly Webinars

This week:  All About ASDAN - Fun, varied and engaging Education options for RDA Groups (7pm Thurs 27th Jan 2022)

ASDAN programmes have been running in RDA for several years but maybe you have always wondered what is involved. In this webinar Helen Kallow will chat through the various ASDAN courses on offer, with tips on selecting the right course for your participants, and suggestions for delivery and assessment. Helen has previous experience of delivering ASDAN programmes successfully in a large RDA centre as well as supporting groups who are delivering courses across the country through her current role as Senior Training and Education Coordinator. Questions beforehand are welcome, please email hkallow@rda.org.uk

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k5t8elk-RcWrumuCYF19vw

Next week: Learnings from COVID/Lockdown and How the Elisabeth Curtis Group is Moving Forward(Thurs 3rd Feb 2022)

Kyle Palmer, Trustee from the Elisabeth Curtis group, will be sharing the Groups growth, the barriers they have faced and how they have overcome them during and after the COVID pandemic. The webinar will incorporate the Groups initiatives and activities, and attitude to further group development.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pecPr0W7Rg-be_mqZgps7A


Best wishes,


Brigitta Falcini

Communications Coordinator

Riding for the Disabled Association

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