30 March 2022
National Office Update

Dear RDA UK volunteers and staff,

This week is one of mixed emotions. We have launched our strategy for the next three years, and thank you for all your support and kind words about it, but we also say goodbye to our Chief Executive, Ed. Not only are we losing Ed, but we are also losing our Head of Fundraising, Randip, this week. We will miss them both dearly, and I hope you will join me in wishing them both all the best in their next adventures.


Strategy Resources now on Group Orders

If you would like to download copies of the strategy document, film or photos, the link to do so can be found here: https://grouporders.rda.org.uk/product/rda-strategic-plan-2022-2025-rda-transforming-lives-across-the-uk/


Equestrian Employers Association Discount

RDA groups can access a discount when joining the Equestrian Employers Association. They have a comprehensive guide to Riding School Licences on their website for all of the UK, plus useful guidance on employment, transporting horses, business hub and a selection of useful templates. Membership is £37.50 per year. To join, please direct groups here:https://equestrianemployers.org.uk/RDAjoin


Bake for Dementia

The Alzheimer’s Society is running the campaign Bake for Dementia (25th April – 1st May). This could be a good opportunity for groups to raise awareness of our Tea With a Pony activity or even be a good way of launching the activity at their group.  Find out more about Bake for Dementia here: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/bakefordementia  

To find out more about Tea With a Pony, head to the MyRDA page here: https://www.myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/tea-with-a-pony/


Weekly Webinars

This week: Social Media and Engagement (Thursday 31st March 7pm).

Join the Fundraising Team on the Thursday nightWebinar for a discussion on social media. Joined by representatives from Harry Hall’s social media team, the webinar will focus on how they make use of social media to engage new audiences and keep them engaged.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vNA39EgvRsKOziH-Ifcyyw

Next week: Green Card & Health and Safety (Thursday 7th April 7pm) 

Faye McKenning, Projects Coordinator: Volunteer Development, and Marisa Bretherton-Mackay, Group Support and Business Operations Manager, will be going over some new aspects of the updated Green Card, helpful reminders on how to run your sessions safely and discussing the e-Learning courses.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ypBiIc6kRDCr6Pf6Ph29VQ


Single Boots free to RDA Riders/Drivers

Tuffa, the Norfolk based manufacturer of high-quality footwear for riders, have a number of single boots to offer for free to RDA Riders/Drivers who are in need of only one boot. They have a variety of sizes and styles. The range of Tuffa Footwear, including their "made to measure" service, can be found at www.tuffaboots.com

If you know of any participants who might be interested, please put them in touch with Lynne Elsey at Tuffa on 01953 880914 or attrade@tuffaboots.com


Best wishes,


Brigitta Falcini

Communications Coordinator

Riding for the Disabled Association

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